Deviated Ascension
As a tie-in with this week’s podcast, we wanted to direct people towards releases from black artists working within the industrial / goth / experimental milieu. Please note that Bandcamp is once again waiving their own fees to support artists today and on Juneteenth will be donating their share of sales to the NAACP.
Additional Resources
Black Bandcamp
–Black Gothic, a Spotify playlist curated by Alex Reed
I would add the fantastic power noise release by:
Dark Machine Nation – Pierce The Earth
Thanks, and done!
The dude in the photo is a literal Trump supporter. Every day in the summer and fall of 2016 he went on anti-immigrant rants on Facebook. I’m not gonna tell you what to do on your site, but it’s a bad look.
Sorry one more, super political and timely, chicago’s mighty:
ONO – Red Summer
This is an excellent list, many for me to discover. May I also suggest:
Big Joanie (post-punk): https://bigjoanie.bandcamp.com/
Whitelands (shoegaze): https://whitelands.bandcamp.com/
The Ire (deathrock): https://theire.bandcamp.com/