The kids from NCC could have just as easily ended up a 311 cover band as one of the most underrated industrial bands of all time.
We’ve reached our sestercentennial episode of We Have A Technical! Yep, that’s right: 250 episodes are in the can, and to celebrate that anniversary and everyone who’s joined us along the way, we’re cutting through the BS, chugging some Truth Serum, and shooting straight on some hard hitting questions submitted by our readers and listeners. This ain’t your mama’s podcast: we’re sayin’ it! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
I am not sure why you always have to move into political slant when talking about clubs or music? Clubs are not beacon of hope for the meek and oppressed. Also, the minority not showing up to dance night is correlated to population numbers. A rather small amount of the population includes minorities or LGBT. More so in Canada, which is a majority population of Caucasian and Asians. Go to an Mexican EBM show and see how much fans care about Funker Vogts lead singer(s). You seem to live in an echo chamber of political correctness propagated by news headlines and your friend groups, which make you sound rather uniformed and narrow minded. I don’t care much about musicians or club owners political views. People want to enjoy music and get away from the daily grinds and there isn’t much more than that.
I’m not sure why you keep listening if you don’t want to hear us discuss this stuff, and our perspective on it doesn’t agree with yours. Go listen to another podcast with views more in line with your own.
“Clubs are not beacon of hope for the meek and oppressed.”
I’d suggest reading up on the history of electronic music and club culture if you think there’s no intersection between politics and clubbing. As for the rest of this, we went over it literally 120 episodes ago when you were complaining about our discussions of social and political issues. Like I said then, we’re not interested in curtailing discussion so you can listen without hearing contrary opinions. If hearing people with different political beliefs than your own is really that difficult for you, stop listening.
Seeing as Alex and Bruce didn’t reply to my e-mail about their Rome review. I am going to post to this reply.
Spot on Disclaimer777. These guys do highlight some interesting music and do have good knowledge on the scene but their constant need to virtue signal how “Progressive” they are is tedious and narcissistic. “Considering Darker alternatives” just not too edgy enough it might offend bourgeois hipsters.
I’d wager that the Mexican and South American crowds don’t give a fuck about Western “Progressives” think who thanks to them put Trump in office just by whining the words Nazi and Fascist ad infinitum.
I have no problem with Industrial music being political. Just as long it allows other views to be expressed even if you or I don’t like them. As I said in my Rome E-Mail there is room in the scene for acts Test. Dept and Death In June.
Its funny but Alex and Bruce arrogantly assume all Minorities and LGBT people all follow the same political beliefs as they do. Reality check they don’t. So Alex and Bruce I can speak for myself.
Alex and Bruce are for diversity, just not diversity of thought as their replies clearly prove.
Also before Alex and Bruce chime in I am not Right Wing. I am pretty Left Leaning just not a self flagellating “Progressive”
Hi Ben. I didn’t answer your email because I wasn’t interested in a debate, and you aren’t owed one by us or anyone.
Like I said above, if you feel Bruce and I are “virtue signalling” and don’t like it, you don’t have to read or listen. I’m not gonna change how I conduct myself on the website and podcast I spent years building because some person I never met accused me of being an arrogant hipster.
“Talks about and critics Industrial music” But doesn’t want to debate people when they insert their ideology into it and everyone most fall into that.
How do you expect things to change if you don’t want to debate people and prefer live in a echo chamber?
I didn’t call you a hipster I said you cater to them and piss on the rest of the scene who don’t fall 100% into YOUR Progressive mindset. Unless of course you think yourself a hipster.
I called you arrogant because you have the gall to speak on behalf of Minorities and Gays as if they all neatly fall in line with your beliefs. Its like you use them as a political pawn. It is arrogant.
I’m not sure what you’re not getting here Ben: I’m not gonna debate you just because you want to debate me. You can call me arrogant, question my motives, whatever. I’m not taking the bait.
Alex what I am getting at is your “Industrial Need More Inclusion” argument is crap and you are doing this to virtue signal and or push “Progressive” ideology which I have seen time and again in other cultures turn out to be political and cultural gatekeeping and elitism.
What Industrial would need is new people of all stripes, who gives a fuck that their gay, straight, Black, etc.
They could be a Black Hispanic Lesbian Blind Trans Mexican Midget in a wheelchair for all I fucking care. “Do you like Leaether Strip? Cool! Welcome!”. *Shakes hand*
The thing is this a niche genre with even more niche sub genres. Its something all people usually find by pure chance in most cases.
The only thing keeping people out of the scene Ideological horseshit like this.
Video Game, Comics, Metal music has had the same Progressive gatekeeping and has only brought division.in those cultures.
Ben, what I am getting at is that I have no interest in arguing with you. In fact from here on out I’m not gonna respond. Have a good day dude.
Hi guys. First off I absolutely loved this episode. I agree with everything mentioned about a lack of queer friendly and POC inclusive events and show being less than included within Our Thing. As a queer person myself it can be disheartening to hear that other people find our culture to be less inclusive.
That being said, I feel like people are starting to try to make those spaces and events feel more open to queer communities at the very least. For what it’s worth, for folks who live in the PNW of the US, there are some events in Portland, OR doing spooky drag nights monthly. It’s a very open, queer-friend and PC-friendly event being hosted at the Lovecraft. If you live on this side of the states, I highly recommend checking it out.
If anyone interested is close enough as well, myself and a few others are starting up a dark dance queer night at a local club in Eugene, OR. My hope is to make this event a safe space for queer, trans and POC who want this kind of night that may not feel comfortable otherwise going out to a standard goth or industrial night.
Keep up with what you’re doing and saying Bruce and Alex! Bringing these things up and talking about them is vital to things changing for the better and I couldn’t be happier to hear it from you guys.
Thanks for submitting questions! And also good luck with your club night, let us know how it goes. 🙂
Also thanks for answering my questions, I’d have to agree I love untamed (dust pixie for life)
I suggest anyone who just wants to dance and not really think look in to the routes of industrial music. This was music made by trans and non trans sex workers and radical artists made to resist the dominant trends of the industry. I am not gonna see the industrial scene degenerate in to dudes in tap out shirts raging without passing comment.
I assume your referring to Thobbing Gristle? *Rolleyes*
Yes the scene has always been inclusive since it started.
In fact I had a conversion with my Father who was in scene when it first started and said it was always inclusive for Gays and Trans. He said a lot of it started up through the Disco scene. In fact the last few concerts we have been to were “inclusive” as fuck. We have Trangender people who have who host gigs and club events.
Were we both like what the fuck are they on about? Also how the fuck do you know a person is LGBT unless you asked them not everybody is a Rainbow flag stereotype.
Nobody is pushing or keeping Minorities out of the scene. Utter horsecrap. Its also insulting to said people because Progressives act like they these minorities are voiceless fragile things that need to be coddled.
Also I had to Google what a Tapout shirt is. Also what is wrong someone wearing that? Are we going start gatekeeping what people wear, very Progressive and inclusive really going to help scene stay afloat.
Also a massive hate fuck to the people who got WASTE to censor their art. That’s not Industrial to me. That’s some authoritarian and gatekeeping bullshit.
So you like to play in traffic?
So you support the censor of musicians art?
WASTE did that themselves