We Have a Technical 108: Cane Dewey

We’re back to our classic format on the podcast after a harrying week or so, as we discuss albums by Bel Canto and The Revolting Cocks. At what point do the stripped down basslines of Big Sexy Land bridge over from mechanical post-punk into industrial? At what point does darkwave bridge over from being music for smoke-filled clubs into yoga studio tunes? How many members of Angels And Agony can dance on the head of a pin? We’re not afraid to tackle the big metaphysical questions round here, folks. Also, we kick off the voting for Daniel Myer’s setlist at Terminus Festival, spend some time discussing a recent show and generally doing what we do here on We Have a Technical! Rate and subscribe, fool! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below!
I’m surprised you didn’t mention You Goddamned Son Of A Bitch, since it’s such a weird artifact closely linked with Big Sexy Land — basically the same tracks, somewhat different band lineup, weird hybrid of live and remixed album tracks. It’s Mirror Universe Big Sexy Land with a goatee, or maybe that’s just cocaine.
Very good points, and ones I wish I had addressed during the show. I believe Al claimed he rerecorded all the stuff on YGDSoaB in studio due to the poor quality of the actual live recordings, but who knows how true that is.
Al says lots of things, some of them might even be true!
You know you’re a wrestling fan when you immediately know what the title of the podcast is referring to. Now on to listen to the podcast itself!
Dewey Foley is a three year old boy you sick sons of bitches!
I still get goosebumps when I watch that promo back. It is a shining example of Mick Foley’s promo prowess!
An all time great promo and master of wrestling psychology.