We Have a Technical 100: Wepisodes of the Ebsite

It’s a big marker for the podcast today! In the interests of keeping it hundred, rather than using our centennial for an origin story flashback or celebrating established classics (like some of our sources of inspiration), we’re looking forward and bringing you a brand-spanking new interview with one of our favourite artists working today, bar none. We got on the horn with none other than Jerome Reuter of Rome to discuss the first decade of his celebrated project which has ventured well outside of its origins in neo-folk, his new EP Coriolan, and what’s just around the bend for Rome. War, Jacques Brel, and sousaphone: no topic is off the table as We Have A Technical reaches the century mark! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below!
GREAT interview. Rome was my introduction to the Neo-Folk genre after I started exploring the Cold Meat catalog (also following my introduction to Neo-Classical via Arcana), so it was cool to hear you guys talk with Jerome.
Of course, the opening was hilarious. I feel bad because I don’t know if I’d actually mind a commentary track for Seelenschmerz. Talk about a guilty pleasure.
That was a seriously great interview.