Lana Del Rabies. Photo by Laura Montrose, @fleshvoids.
The thorny issue of requests and how they do and don’t fit into goth-industrial club formats is the subject of this week’s podcast, with Alex and Bruce talking about the issues that come with ‘big tent’ club formats, how patrons expectations have shifted in the streaming era, and do their level best (but occasionally fail) to avoid turning into bitter middle-aged DJs griping about their lots. We’re also talking about the recent Lana Del Rabies set we caught here in Vancouver, and the details of the just announced Nine Inch Nails tour. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, download directly, or listen through the widget down below.
Great episode, though you didn’t mention the classic requests situation, which I suspect 90% of DJs in the scene can relate to:
*Slightly drunk patron requesting that you play some Sisters…while there is a Sisters track playing* ;p
30odd yrs ago at the purple onion? where sanctuary was for a while, i as a bit new, was conned by my slightly more experienced goth “friend” to request NIN, closer.
The look on Isaac’s face, rightfully so, as my “friend” laughed at me and lost her temper at isaac, still occasionally haunts me to this day. She made me do it because she knew they’d reject her request. i walked right into that one.
I have never ever since ever requested anything ever at a goth night. nope. I leave that in the dj’s hands.