We Have a Technical 125: The Great Debate II

BRUCE AND ALEX GO TO WAR IN… THE GREAT DEBATE II! No longer content to argue about the merits of Blutengel, the Senior Staff do battle over the relative strengths of the early Depeche Mode catalogue in a conflict that will rock I Die: You Die to its very foundations! Feelings are hurt! Accusations are levied! And things will never be the same, here on We Have a Technical! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below!
Well, you pitch the debate about being whether Depeche Mode is overrated or not, but as you meantion during the discussion, there is no actual ratings given. You two have an encylopedic knowledge of music and musicians; I was expecting some people claiming influences, derivitive bands or sounds, etc. Instead, I get a discussion that is totally personal opinion about personal preferences. Well, I do suggest one thing, for the next Great Debate, Bruce should be the pro side of the argument, or he’s just going to get labeled as the default hater and lose credibility.
Since I always put forth antedotes about these Great Debates, I’ll tell one from Kenetik. It was probably Kenetik 4, after it had left Usine C to the new venue. I came across a group of industrial guys outside on the street having the discussion about “What is true industrial?” There is varying opinions on newer music, older music, and finally we get to the guy that puts forth that it’s not really industrial unless there are people just banging on raw metal on stage. Seeking to troll this conversation, following opinions of Depeche Mode by various musicians I have read, I put forth that “all others pale before the greatness of the one, true industrial band, …Depeche Mode!” I was expecting some arguement or just eye rolls from this group, but instead, I am greated by the three of them looking at the ground in silence and finally just saying “…Yaaaaa.” in agreement.