Coming hot on the heels of the dissolution of Throbbing Gristle, Chris And Cosey’s debut LP Heartbeat doesn’t just function as a bridge between their work as experimental enfants terrible and the dreamier, trance-like synthesis their work as a duo would explore, but also between major eras in experimental music. In this month’s commentary podcast we’re examining how the record links the origins of industrial noise to the emerging eras of synthpop and post-industrial music. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, download directly, or listen through the widget down below.
We Have A Commentary: Chris And Cosey, “Heartbeat”

Your comment about the use of the TB-303 is notable because they definitely DID use it, but I think the first time was on Dancing Ghost, which is about as proto-acid-house as you can get, though they don’t make the leap to using the resonance squelching just yet. That track, however, definitely uses the 303/808 combo and it was recorded in 1982.
Awesome, thank you for the clarification!