We Have a Technical 89: In All the Land

Hoo boy are we zig-zagging all over the map with this week’s episode, folks. We each had a couple of smaller topics we wanted to bring to the table, and so we’ve assembled a grab-bag style episode which is tackling a bunch of recent news and events – The Soft Moon tour coming through Vancouver and the long-anticipated Black Queen record, along with Laibach’s troll-heavy (or not?) endorsement of boomer rock, and the changing role of music files in a streaming world. Hell, we’re getting to some listener e-mail, to boot! Rate and subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget at the bottom of this post!
–Asobi Seksu, Citrus
–Dungeon Crawl Classics
–Robert W. Chambers, “The Repairer Of Reputations”
Hard copy or at least digital files for everything. Can’t stand the idea of subscription service for anything that I don’t get to own. ( Ok, I have Netflix. ) Some friends do Spotify and other music services, but I won’t. I’d rather just scrape the internet for free downloadable files. I managed to find some decent Russian industrial music that way.