We Have a Technical 79: That Would be 5

Hello friends! We’re back with another of our Pick Five segments, with each of us prepping a countdown of records on a specific topic or theme. This time? We’re talking about “difficult” music, however folks might choose to define that term. There’s also a bit of chat about recent industrial-esque artists who have received plaudits from the broader mainstream. Rate and subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher, download directly or stream from the widget below!
Interessting choices… I picked different artists, but some of my reasons were quite similar to yours.
Merzbow – The Merzbox
…for obvious reasons.
Death in June – The Wörld Thät Sümmer
Pretty much like what you said about Boyd Rice – I really like some songs on this album, but Douglas Pierce, hm…
Einstürzende Neubauten – Musterhaus 6&7
I love Neubauten. I bought everything and will buy everything. And some of the previous Musterhaus releases were fantastic. But here I really was pissed that I spend money for this.
Feindflug – Vierte Version
You can’t like this without feeling bad… but then it has such amazing ooomph… but then… *gringe*
I know I’m probably in the extreme minority here, but I for one would probably never have known that Frozen Niagara Falls (which is currently my #1 favorite album of 2015), or even Prurient for that matter, existed if you hadn’t posted “Dragonflies to Sew You Up” in a track post a while back.
It was the same for me when Myth Of Building Bridges was played on a previous podcast. If it’s a bigger band, so what(?) provided it’s top notch music; a case in point being the regular love shown for Killing Joke, that’s totally justified given the recent releases.
This was a great episode. I especially liked the opening discussion of anointed experimental music.