We Have a Technical #21: Dad Magazines

Hey Gang! This episode of We Have a Technical is a special Ottawa industrial showcase, specifically featuring Encephalon, Wychdoktor and Apirorism, all of whom are playing this week at AFTERMATH in Toronto! We were kind of burnt out and full of Indian food when we recorded this one, so please excuse our general dopeyness, it’s been a real whirlwind around here. As always, we encourage you to subscribe and review via iTunes, download directly or stream from the widget below. That’s it friends, see you in Toronto for AFTERMATH this week!
0:00: As with every episode, our theme music is “Black Cross (Dead When I Found Her Remix)” by ∆AIMON, available from Artoffact records.
0:40: DL Volt 9000’s Negativland prank on us here, but more importantly check their actual music.
4:18: Seriously, the saga of the Von Erich family reads like something that was cut from a Cormac McCarthy novel for being too much of a downer.
6:32: Yeah. It’s not quite as murderous as “Pursuit” but this could be becoming a trend.
11:27: Check our big love-fest for The Transhuman Condition from a few years back.
17:40: Check Bruce Mazlish’s The Fourth Discontinuity for an excellent account of how histories of technology and subjectivity have informed one another.
19:50: We swear, we swear, we swear we didn’t add an audio glitch to the very important phrase “two weeks”; it happened naturally. WE’RE AS SCARED AS YOU.
20:18: Yahtzee knows the score.
21:05: Alex was actually thinking of Colliers. Anything that Mr. Burns is angling for a feature in definitely qualifies as a dad magazine.
26:50: Here’s our review of the Wychdoktor record.
35:00: Add Bruce and/or Alex on Bandcamp if yr so inclined.
35:20: Here’s our Apriorism review.
46:50: Hop on over to Tympanik’s shop and get all yr technoid and IDM needs sated at a 50% off slashed rate!
47:08: Talking To Ghosts is well worth a subscription and some time on your commute.
47:50: We failed to mention it in the podcast, but please, for the love of god, don’t tell Matt about this ongoing rib. He needs to wise up on his own.
48:35: Check the Antigen Shift stream, the Aftermath tape, FLA remix review, and Present Moment write-up.
49:39: Jorge Luis Borges is to Bruce what Jack Kirby is to Alex, at least in ingenuity if not hero worship.
It’s interesting, too, that transhumanism has been excitedly seized by transgender and transsexual theologians, to continue the ‘legacy’ or teleology of Christianity, the as you say ‘rose colored lens’ application to nerd and internet culture, the idealization of a particular singularity of gender, and a not-so disguised reification of the fucked up dogmatic Ayn Randian humanism of the 20th century.
Is this art – music, games, et al – reflecting new intellectual trends, or more rooted in past prophetic tropes? Or…is there no difference between the product and the content?
Actually Antigen Shift [and Ad-ver-sary] also hail from Ottawa in addition to a variety of other acts from over the years that weren’t featured this past weekend; some who’ve only produced a few tracks, others that have gone on to produce multiple albums from multiple project names. I’m not entirely sure why but despite the difficulties that come with working in a truly underground range of electronic music genres, this city has produced some terrifically talented folks over the last few decades. I’m incredibly fortunate that I’ve been able to host most of these acts over the last couple decades on my DJ nights [currently Industrial_Strength Tuesdays @ Zaphod Beeblebrox running 21 years this year] and at various venues around the city over the years and to this day this city continues to produce great talent whose city of origin is often overlooked, so thanks from all of us in Ottawa 🙂