The ID:UD Dozen: 12 Remix Releases of Note
We drum up 12 remix releases that go beyond cheap cash-in and add to the oeuvre of the original artist.
Read Moreby I Die You Die | Jan 30, 2014 | The ID:UD Dozen | 3
We drum up 12 remix releases that go beyond cheap cash-in and add to the oeuvre of the original artist.
Read MoreThe collaboration between the noted techno artist and the industrial godfathers provides new perspectives on both their works.
Read Moreby I Die You Die | Oct 3, 2013 | The ID:UD Dozen | 2
We’re three quarters of the way through 2013, but there are still plenty of releases we’re pumped for dropping in the final quarter. We anticipate records from Die Krupps, Antigen Shift, iVardensphere, MEND, ∆AIMON, and more!
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