You could have -much- worse gateway bands than Boy Harsher.
The podcast is taking a rambling and conceptual route this week, with some discussion of changing perceptions of Our Thing within broader culture. Is the “Sure, kind of like Nine Inch Nails” explanation still accurate? From what background might newcomers be approaching crossover acts? Does keeping your club life separate from your day life still matter in a more forgiving age? All this plus some discussion of yet another Oscar win for Reznor & Ross, plus the passing of Anita Lane on this week’s episode of We Have A Technical! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
I think the “issue” with NIN these days is basically the fact of Atticus Ross being a “full member” of the band, and as far as I can tell, basically Trent’s main collaborator within the band these days. No disrespect to Mr Ross, and I do mostly love the soundtrack stuff, but he seems to be a bit of a “calming influence” on Trent’s more atavistic and experimental side, which made older NIN stuff so great. I could be way off with this “correlation”, but that’s my feeling anyway. That said, I find Bad Witch and Add Violence much more interesting now than I initially gave them credit for. 0_o
Also, Anita Lane’s solo stuff is great, highly recommended. Sigh. RIP.