The ID:UD Dozen: 12 Remix Releases of Note
We drum up 12 remix releases that go beyond cheap cash-in and add to the oeuvre of the original artist.
Read Moreby I Die You Die | Jan 30, 2014 | The ID:UD Dozen | 3
We drum up 12 remix releases that go beyond cheap cash-in and add to the oeuvre of the original artist.
Read Moreby I Die You Die | Oct 18, 2012 | Commentary, The ID:UD Dozen | 12
We look at a dozen overlooked albums from the post-2000s, including gems from bands you love, and a few from artists that may have slipped under your radar.
Read Moreby I Die You Die | Aug 16, 2012 | Profile, The ID:UD Dozen | 0
We profile twelve up and coming acts from a wide range of regions and genres. If you read ID:UD, we hope you’re half as jazzed to check new bands as we are, so what’s stopping you? Lend an ear to these…
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